castles, landmarks & places of intrest

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Stephen Stookey Art
Windsor Castle, Berkshire England. The original castle was built in the 11th century after the Norman invasion by William the Conqueror. Since the time of King Henry I, it has been used by succeeding monarchs and is the longest-occupied palace in Europe. #jjexplores
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Braemar Castle Scotland
raindropsonroses-65: Warwick Castle, Warwick, Warwickshire, England, UK — FUCKITANDMOVETOBRITAIN
Bitburg Castle
Sirmione - Scaligers Castle - (province of Brescia in the region of Lombardy)
Château Pierrefonds, France
Medieval, Ballindalloch Castle, Scotland
Morella, Castellón
CASTLES OF SPAIN - Morella, además del castillo, conserva un conjunto de fortificaciones y amurallamientos en anillo de varios kilómetros de longitud que rodean el peñón sobre el que se asienta el castillo. El castillo se encuentra muy dañado como consecuencia del fuego artillero de las tropas liberales contra las fuerzas carlistas del general Cabrera, acantonadas en el castillo.
English Castles Photo Gallery, Whittington Castle
Whittington Castle is practically unknown, but the view of the twin-towered, moated gatehouse is one of the finest approaches to any medieval building I've seen in England. The castle dates to the late 11th century, and is probably the only castle in Britain under community ownership.