Drawing tech

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Bourgery, Jean Baptiste Marc; Jacob, Nicolas Henri [Hrsg.]: Traité complet de l'anatomie de l'homme: comprenant la médicine opératoire (Band 2, Atlas) (Paris, 1831)
Obliques, chest, arm
Rad Sechrist — You can sign up for Construction and anatomy today...
Rad Sechrist — You can sign up for Construction and anatomy today...
Drawing the Hamstrings
The hamstrings are supporting actors of the leg, but they are important. So, pop a squat, grab a pencil and learn how to draw the back of the leg - proko.com/309 Photo reference by 3d.sk
The Etherington Brothers
The Art of Stranski KICKSTARTER is RIGHT HERE, but you have just 12 HOURS to get your copy! Here’s how to THINK when you draw STRANSKI GIRL‘S HANDS Part FOUR! Lorenzo!
The Etherington Brothers
The Etherington Brothers
How to draw TREE BARK tutorial by EtheringtonBrothers on DeviantArt
How to draw TREE BARK tutorial by STUDIOBLINKTWICE