
38 Pins
Tap Into Sweet Success With These Syrup-Making Tips
You can tap many types of trees for syrup. The list is quite long and includes all varieties of maples as well as walnuts, birches, sycamores and ironwoods.
Elderflower Fritters
If you're looking for a great treat from a foraged flower, try crispy, crunchy, elderflower fritters!
30 Plants You Can Turn Into Flour
Wheat is a staple of almost everyone’s diet, but it can be difficult to grow. Thankfully, there’s a plethora of other plants that can be made into flour. #flour #makeflour #fromscratch #selfreliance
8 Easy to Identify Edible Mushrooms
Here are five mushrooms that are great for a beginning forager!
Hawthorn Jelly Recipe
This is a lovely, simple hawthorn jelly recipe that you can have with cheese or meats. Make it now and you’ll be in time for giving it away as Christmas presents. If your celebrating is more earth-centric, then you’ll be in time for the return of the sun on December 21st. Enjoy this autumnal hawthorn …
8 Easy to Identify Edible Mushrooms
Here are five mushrooms that are great for a beginning forager!
5 Easy-To-Identify Edible Mushrooms For The Beginning Mushroom Hunter
5 Easy-To-Identify Edible Mushrooms For The Beginning Mushroom Hunter
Dutch white clover flowers. Besides making an excellent forage crop for animals, clovers are a valuable survival food: they are high in proteins, widespread, and abundant. The fresh plants have been used for centuries as additives to salads and other meals consisting of leafy vegetables.
Oxeye Daisy Caper Recipe
Delicious Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) - Oxeye Daisy Caper Recipe, apparently an utterly divine taste sensation!!
Magnolia Flower Vinegar
Magnolia Vinegar Recipe | "This magnolia flower vinegar recipe is something to die for. Within 24 hours it has turned from clear to a deep pink, and the flavour, well it has to be tasted to be believed." Use in salad dressings, over steamed fish, drizzled with oil over sauteed vegetables, in a sweet dressing on exotic fruits
A Monthly Guide to Foraging Wild Food
Coming out of some hard winters in the northern hemisphere, March is the month to begin thinking about foraging again. Stinging nettle at its best early in the year can be found across the planet - & so many wonderful recipes.. pesto, pasta, soup. See a foraging-harvest guide by month (click) - & classes can be found everywhere to help you recognize plants & learn what to do w/ them. A schedule of UK classes: