DIY with Hazelnut

Hazelnut Goupie is our resident do it yourself kinda person. They save all pin related to giving it a go at home! #DIY
9 Pins
48 Amazing Flea Market Projects, Hacks, and Revamps
Vintage Living-Repurposed Lighting Ideas | BHG Style Spotters
How to Build a Wall-Hanging Test Tube Planter
Love propagating plants? The easiest way to root plant cuttings is in water. This DIY wall mounted test tube planter set up is the perfect way to propagate houseplants inside your home! It's an easy DIY build, too. Click through for the FREE building plans! #charlestoncrafted #plantpropagation #houseplants #plants #planter #testtubeplanter #buildplans
Top 23 Cool DIY Kitchen Pallets Ideas You Should Not Miss - HomeDesignInspired
As a really common recycled material, wooden pallet you might have used them to make something useful for your home. You know they have endless potential can be transformed to a lot of stunning DIY projects serve for home. So when I saw something creative and cool about pallets, I just want to share with [...]
3 Upcycling Projects for the New Year
Upcycling is the perfect way to revive something that is ‘skip’ bound and give it a new lease of life. If you fancy trying something different in the New Year, then the upcycling bug could be the one for you.