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Articles and Pictures to help and inspire me.
42 Pins
GDPR - What It Means for Bloggers and Online Entrepreneurs
An infographic about the EU GDPR to understand what the General Data Protection Regulation is in less than 1 minute. Does the GDPR affect bloggers? How does email marketing change with GDPR? What are the requirements for the consent under GDPR? Everything you need to know about compliance with the GDPR. If you’re a blogger you want to read this. # GDPR #Infographic #bloggingtips
21 eye catching blog post titles - Here are 21 different titles you can use for improving your blog content, increase your traffic, and more. This also includes a free workbook you can use as a guide.
Start A Fire
Guess which page of your blog will ~90% of your visitors visit when they first stumble on your site? No prizes for this one.. it's the about me page. Hence, learning how to write an amazing about me page is very important. Here's how to write a perfect about me page. #blog #aboutme
How to Price & Pitch Blog Ads
One blogger's failproof formula for pricing all types of blog ads. Every blogger needs this!
Terms & Conditions: Protecting Your Online Business
Terms & Conditions for your blog
11 Things To Do Immediately After You Start a New Blog
Starting a new blog? Raelyn Tan shares the 11 practical things to do immediately that'll set your blog up for success | ce petit cochon | social media | tips and tricks | blog
Tax Deductions for Bloggers
Tax Deductions for Bloggers - Influential Mom Blogger, PR-Friendly, Popular Brand Ambassador..........
The creatives' lawyer, Kiffanie Stahle tells us how to write your website's terms of service.