Skin Health

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Finding Hope with Eczema
For people who have struggled with skin conditions for a long time, finding hope and joy can become increasingly difficult. My guest is here to share her story about finding and creating HOPE.
Do you have Salicylate Sensitivity?
f you've been dealing with skin rashes for some time, you may have heard of the low Salicylate diet and some people may have suggested that you give it a try. The question is, is it worth it to give the diet a try and what does reacting to salicylates really mean? I'm sharing what a “Salicylate sensitivity” means to me AND what I do about it.
Do you have Salicylate Sensitivity?
If you've been dealing with skin rashes for some time, you may have heard of the low Salicylate diet and some people may have suggested that you give it a try. The question is, is it worth it to give the diet a try and what does reacting to salicylates really mean? I'm sharing what a “Salicylate sensitivity” means to me AND what I do about it.
266: Jennifer Fugo on Decoding Skin Health, Eczema, & Acne
Decoding Skin Health, Eczema, Acne, and More | Wellness Mama Podcast
Can Castor Oil Help Your Skin?
Many of us with skin conditions often have deeper issues that we are unaware of, such as digestive problems. My guest, Dr. Marisol Teijeiro, ND., is a world leader renowned for her passion for cleansing and gut health. Join us as we discuss the importance of pooping daily for skin health, as well as how castor oil can be beneficial for those of us with skin rash issues.
Leaky Skin & Eczema?
If you’re interested in a neat connection between nutrition and eczema, look no further! I came across this interesting study that begins to illuminate the histidine-eczema connection. There is interesting research that’s starting to explain the importance of protein in our diet. Today’s podcast episode will share with you how histidine may be a missing piece on your eczema and leaky skin journey!
Skin rash elimination diets & special occasions
In an effort to help you have a more enjoyable holiday (and ultimately burn fewer bridges), I want to share with you how to address diet restrictions after getting an invitation. It does take some practice, but after 10+ years of living gluten-free, I can tell you that this approach works the majority of the time.
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS on Instagram: “
🤜YOU DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS😉 . Seriously. Why entertain + take on other people's drama? You have way better things to do with your time. More important things to do, see, and become💜 . See, focusing your attention on yourself is a choice Just as much as being sucked into someone's drama😵 . When you choose drama, you're saying no to you + what's more important. @drjolenebrighten told me earlier this year that with the limited t
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS on Instagram: “TIRED OF BEING SO... TIRED?
SO ME 😂(tonite after 4 hrs straight on the phone)⁠ .⁠ ⁠ After long days, I know I need to eat but I don't have any idea what I want.⁠ .⁠ 👉Does that ever happen to you?⁠ ⁠ And in that moment as I star longingly into the fridge, I think that the longer I stand there, SOMETHING will jump out at me😜⁠ .⁠ The day that I start doing this looking for answers to life's bigger questions, I'm in big trouble🤣😂⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS on Instagram: “
Image may contain: text #Regram via @B30dmMmFddB
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS on Instagram: “
🤒TRUE OR FALSE? I hate to say this, but there's a lot of #truth to this . 😬Lifestyle and diet changes are hard for a lot of people to commit to. They just want a 💊 so they can go about life ignoring the cries for help that their body is sending them. . 👉Do you think this applies to most people? . . . . . . #guthealth #foodsensitivities #gutproblems #foodintolerance #foodintolerances #celiacdisease #glutensensitivity #hashimotos #lowthy
083: Can Magnesium Give You A Rash?
In today’s episode, I wanted to explore why you might want to avoid magnesium oil spray on rashed skin.
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS on Instagram: “GUILTY
TIRED OF BEING SO... TIRED?😩⁠ .⁠ When I was seriously struggling with my health, I could sleep 11 hours & STILL feel exhausted⁠ ⁠ My husband would have to drag my behind out of bed because I was #sooootired⁠ ⁠ I cried to my doctor that SOMETHING must be wrong to be this tired at 27😢⁠ .⁠ But he only told me that my labs looked normal & take more B vitamins⁠ .⁠ Now I work with client after client who has the SAME darn problem⁠ ⁠ 😬Fatigue is n
Create Boundaries & Ditch Perfectionism
Learn how Skin conditions can and may lead to feelings of powerlessness. In this conversation, I hope we can shift that. Start your healing journey now.
Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS on Instagram: “
🙋SKIN RASH TRIGGERS😲⁠ .⁠ I find it really hard to understand why my doctor told me that they really don't know why someone like me got #eczema.⁠ ⁠ That I'd just have to "learn to deal with it"⁠ ⁠ Oh... and here's another steroid cream.⁠ ⁠ The reality is that you don't have a steroid deficiency🤔⁠ .⁠ That's not the reason you have rashes.⁠ ⁠ Because I felt so failed and hopeless, I started to seek out reasons:face_with_mon