Beautiful and Interesting Statues

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Mrs. Chippy Monument
"Mrs Chippy was a cat taken aboard the Shackleton's Endurance expedition by its carpenter Harry McNeish. Shackleton ordered him shot along with the pups and later the rest of the dogs. Mrs Chippy's death affected McNeish greatly and most of those who had been aboard the Endurance where he had become a well-loved and most popular shipmate. The loss of his cat was something for which McNeish never forgave Shackleton and mourned the rest of his life."
Natural Modern House Design Willamette Valley OR | Natural Modern Architecture Firm
Natural Modern House Design Willamette Valley OR | Natural Modern Architecture Firm
ASSYRIAN: Relief sculpture of a dying lion from the Palace of Ashurbanipal, NInevah, 650 BCE. British Museum, London. In around 627 BC after the death of its last great king Ashurbanipal, the Neo-Assyrian empire began to unravel due to a series of bitter civil wars, and Assyria was attacked by its former vassals, the Babylonians and Medes.
Origins and History of Belly Dance
Bronze Veiled Dancer, Hellenistic (3rd-2nd c. B.C.), 8 1/2". Possible provenance in Alexandria, Egypt (Metropolitan Museum of Art)