10 Pins
FREE Pdf download today 4th july Head over to the Christmas in July Blog Hop hosted by @eclairemakery
FREE Velvet Bobble Christmas Trees Crochet Pattern by @eclairemakery designer Claire Goodale
Part of the 31 days of FREE crochet patterns in the HOLIDAY DECOR BLOG HOP hosted by Claire Goodale author of #crochetcolourworkmadeeasy Follow the link below to get your 31 FREE Christmas crochet patterns! #freecrochetpattern #christmascrochet #christmasinjuly
Cactus In A Pot Decoration | Oliver Bonas
Introducing a sense of the tropics, this Cactus In A Pot Decoration brings a flair of the outdoors in, even if it is winter outside.
DIY Einhorn Christbaum Anhänger selber machen – 2 kreative DIY Anleitungen
DIY Einhorn Christbaum Anhänger mit den POSCA Acryl-Markern selber machen Diese Weihnachts Deko ist schnell selbst gemacht, denn die Christbaum Anhänger sind aus Salzteig gebastelt. Klicke hier, um zum kompletten DIY Tutorial zu gelangen!
Mollie Makes 72 - Mollie Makes
All the poms! Make a pom pom wreath in the latest Christmas issue of Mollie Makes. Comes with BONUS 2017 calendar & organiser stickers
It's starting to look a lot like Christmas at Fenton&Fenton
It's starting to look a lot like Christmas at Fenton&Fenton