Bee friendly gardening

Bees are an important part of our garden eco-systems and our global world. Gardening with Bees in mind should be at the top of the list for any Nature & Bird lover.
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Homemade Bug/Bee Houses
Homemade Bug/Bee Houses | I've been making these with a huge… | Flickr
6 Best Methods to Create a Bee-Friendly Garden
Looking for ways on how to create a bee-friendly garden? Find out the six most effective ways to attract bees and other beneficial insects in your garden!
How To Install A Pondless Waterfall (Without Buying An Expensive Kit)
DIY Garden Fountain : DIY Pond-less waterfall, this would make a great bird bath too for hummingbirds
City Twitchers Garden and best of Chelsea Flower Show 2018 | woven willow bird hide (willow sculpture) and concrete circular slabs as a path over a pond surrounded by Chamaemelum nobile (chamomile lawn), Eryngium giganteum, Eremurus himalaicus
woven willow bird hide (willow sculpture) and concrete circular slabs as a path over a pond surrounded by Chamaemelum nobile (chamomile lawn), Eryngium giganteum, Eremurus himalaicus
76 Ways To Add A Waterfall
Pavers, bricks, concrete, and planters are all great materials to put to use in ways other than they were created for. It’s like building blocks for adults! Nothing is more rewarding than creating the perfect waterfall for your garden that nobody else will have.
Water Garden Design
A beautiful wildlife pond will attract a whole host of beneficial animals, birds and insects. Make one with sloping sides, to allow easy access for creatures to come and go, and leafy edges that offer habitat and cover.
tinywhitedaisies - pentydeval: (via Valérie Penty (valpenty) sur...
pentydeval: (via Valérie Penty (valpenty) sur Pinterest)