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The Not-Too-Crazy Detox
What The Sparkle: The Not-Too-Crazy Detox
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Custom Green Smoothie Recipes
Juicing for Beginners with Kale, Apple & Ginger Juice
Stress Reliever (juicing) - Not sure if this relieved my stress, but it tasted awesome! Zowie! That ginger root packs a punch! And with the lemon and celery... Well, it was yummy.
The Routine One Star Trainer Used to Totally Revamp Her Body
The Routine One Star Trainer Used to Totally Revamp Her Body
Health, Fitness & Detox Products - Bootea
A sample workout from our 12 Week Bikini Fitness Plan, taking you step by step through a gym based transformation. The workouts gradually increase in intensity, and the flexible training time table allows you to fit your exercising around your schedule. Optimised for iPhone's, the plan enables you to see step by step instructions for each exercise step so that you always know what you are doing. Get your complete plan at