Miniatures/Gaming Weekend

12 Pins
Brush Holder
So smart. Paint Brush Holder - GREAT idea. Cut foam pipe insulation to fit sides of container... and cut slits in foam.
Inexpensive and easy homemade flock!
Terrain tutorial this is good for moss on the dollhouse Scotty's Workshop: Inexpensive and easy homemade flock! Made from sawdust & paint you can use tea, oregano, peppar
Using Reaper paint triads on a Wood Elf Goddess and giving voice to a monster
Art and Musings of a Miniature Hobbyist: Using Reaper paint triads on a Wood Elf Goddess and giving voice to a monster
How to blend by olliekickflip
Miniature Painting Tutorial: Blending by Aaron Lovejoy (IMO, the best blending tutorial on the Internet)
Privateer Press Forums
Black armor. Not necessarily 40k miniature painting, but still valid color theory
A handy guide for painting faces. Stop at almost any point in the process, and you'll still have a decent paint job.
Acrylic Paint Tips for Miniatures and Models
7 Mistakes to Avoid When You Paint Miniatures or Models: Two fine liner brushes on the right, a 3/0 and a 18/0 from different companies, with a shorter 'spotter' paintbrush on the left for comparison. The coin edge is from a quarter for scale.