The Evil Tester Sloganizer

The Evil Tester Sloganizer
I resolve to supply compelling models /
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
I don't break the procedures, I do just enough to conform.
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
I suppose I could scrutinize ambiguity /
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
I think I might just create a log of what I explore /
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
Be more splendid more frequently! lols. /
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
Of course I'm not good, I just act that way! How about you? /
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
Do... nope I've forgotten what I was thinking! /
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
Testing is all about coverage, friend. I'm sure I read that in my spam folder! lols. / http://evilte...
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
Be more obtuse more often to the people who live under the stairs that only appear when you are look...
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
Of course I'm not evil, I'm necessary! /
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
Act more weird now, to a feature. /
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
Do I look good? I suppose I could be. Bwahahaha! /
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
Of course I'm not nasty, I'm only doing this to help you because I value your career! / http://evilt...
The Evil Tester Sloganizer
Be seemingly obtuse to someone special! /