Weddings & Events

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All you need is guests, mobile phones and your QR code! EventsAlbum provides a hassle free online album of your guests photos. If you choose to, you can display all the photos on a rolling live gallery as they're uploaded at the event, allowing your guests to interact with the process. After the event you can download the full high resolution photos your guests uploaded. We don't resize the images so they should be print quality if taken on a modern smartphone.
Wouldn't it be great to be able to see the photos that are taken at your Wedding, as they are taken? With EventsAlbum you can. We offer a live scrolling gallery of the photos your guests are taking and uploading. This is a lovely interactive feature, allowing your guests to interact with the process. There is even an option to approve photos before they are uploaded, if you think someone might upload something inappropriate. For full details, check out our website
It's the morning after your Wedding and you are being bombarded with texts from well-meaning guests who took photos on your big day. If you hear your phone ping one more time it is going to drive you crazy! Not only that, but the time you have to spend downloading and saving each one is not how you thought you'd be spending your first day as a married person! If only you had used EventsAlbum. EventsAlbum is an online album where your guests can upload photos.
Your friends took loads of photos last night at your party - you really want to see them, but who is going to spend ages putting them all in a message? Definitely not Claire, who never checks her phone. If only you had used EventsAlbum. EventsAlbum is an online album where your guests can easily share all their photos from your event. Set up the event, create the QR code and you're good to go! Visit our website for more details
Worried that your friends might upload your wedding photos to social media before you have had a chance to? EventsAlbum is an online album for your guests photos from your event. From a simple QR code, printed on menus or elsewhere, your guests can upload all of their photos, giving you a candid view of your event. See your event through your guests eyes. For more information please visit
Disposable Cameras are out
Do you like the idea of disposable cameras on tables at your event, but are worried about the cost/hassle/photo quality? EventsAlbum is an online album where your guests photos can be easily shared. Simply set up your event, create a QR code and link to your album from our site. Your guests can upload their photos without the need for an app or needing to create an account. To discover more, please read our article
Invite us to your wedding! Don’t worry, we only mean virtually. Use us, EventsAlbum, your online album provider. Create your event, grab your QR code and you’re good to go. Guest photos can be uploaded with no need for an account, straight into your album. With unlimited storage, the option to approve images (no one wants to see Uncle Billy’s pants) and full high resolution images you have nothing to lose. Check us out at We promise we won’t eat all the cake.
Your Event. Their View.
Events Album is a one stop solution to candid guest photos at your wedding. Out with the hassle of disposable cameras on each table and in with a streamlined, modern, green approach to photo sharing. Simply set up your event, create a QR code and link your album to our site. Your guests can scan the QR code or enter the link and easily upload photos from your big day – no account creation required.