essie summer.

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Showcase your unstoppable attitude with the essie summer collection #summer14 #essielook
Animal print is what it's all about this summer, match a cute clutch with some bold nails! #strutyourstuff #summer14 #essielook
Stand out with the bright and exotic 'ruffles and feathers' #summer14 #essielook
The Summer collection has hit salons, pop down to get your summer mani today! #summer14 #essielook
Introducing essie's six new irresistible shades from the summer collection! #summer14 #essielook
This summer you have to strut your stuff with roarrrrange and ruffles and feathers #summer14 #essielook
'Fierce, no fear' is perfect for a cool, summer evening #summer14 #essielook
Take a walk on the wild side this summer and stand out from the crowd #essielook #summer14
Keep in line with catwalk fashion, wear the essie summer collection! #summer14 #essielook
Amplify summer with strong, sexy colours! #summer14 #essielook
Go wild cat! Release your inner tiger and 'roarrrrange'! #summer14 #essielook
Stay 'haute in the heat' with this chic raspberry pink #summer14 #essielook