A Word in Season. Inspired by scripture. Art to plant seeds of hope.

scripture, quotes, encouragment, art, printed textiles, stationary, posters, hope, bible.
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Blog | Emily Kelly Designs
The rugged Cross, image perfect for easter time a visual reminder of the walk to calvery.
Blog | Emily Kelly Designs
Tonal and peaceful print inspired by Psalm 1 v3. A reminder that staying planted by the streams of water means we bear fruit in all seasons.
Blog | Emily Kelly Designs
Emmanuel, a sophisticated navy and white print I designed this at christmas time to serves as a simple reminder of Emmanuel - God with us!
Blog | Emily Kelly Designs
Inspired by reading and thinking about psalm 121. Soft colourway, inspire by scripture, peace in troubled times. Where do you lift your eyes?
Blog | Emily Kelly Designs
Thinking about what Jesus is to me in all times. He is my constant even when I wobble and doubt. I designed this at the beginning of a working week to remind myself.
Blog | Emily Kelly Designs
Bright promise in bright colours. You will go out with joy and be led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you, all the trees of the field will clap their hands" Isaiah 55 v12
Blog | Emily Kelly Designs
Inspired by Pslam 40 and the promise that God will lift us when we feel low and give us a new song to sing. I love this contempoary colourway and spending time sketching birds.
Blog | Emily Kelly Designs
Recently a lady prayed for me and said that I would draw water from 'wells of salavtion'. I found the bible verse and was inspired to draw this. The wells of salvation never run dry even when we do.