
11 Pins
Karma Spell (this is not something to do lightly... If the wrong is in your mind and not in their actions... This spell will turn on you. Make sure that your intentions and motivations are pure. That is too right a wrong...And protect against further harm. Not revenge. This must be done with no rancor in your heart. Wolf... ;'; ^@@^ ;'; )
Spell To Gain Money
For the month of April I had opened up to some of my followers and asked what type of spells do they use and need on a daily bases or just i...
Everyone deserves a perfect world!
Thought this seemed quite cool, even though I don't believe in this kind of thing personally <3
Kirsten Weiss | mystery novels
A Little Salt with that Spell? - Pinned by The Mystic's Emporium on Etsy
Depression Banishing Candle Spell, Book of Shadows Page, BOS Pages, Witchcraft • $2.00
Depression Banishing Candle Spell, Book of Shadows Page, BOS Pages, Witchcraft This chart is by Magickal Moonies Sanctuary.
Here there be (friendly) witches
Essential Oils. Appreciatively sourced from Cunningham’s Book of Shadows.
Read how to Enchant & Radiate Beauty! <3
Sage Goddess | Healing Crystals, Spiritual Tools, and Teachings
I am on Life Path 7 - no wonder I love bright white and peacock colors so much... <3 Photo
A white candle can be substituted for any color if your intentions good and true.
Hair Growth Magick Chant (Printable Spell Page)
hair, growth, spell, chant, ritual, magic, magick, book of shadows, witch, remedy, prayer, spiritual, wicca, casting, craft #whitewitchparlour