Craft ideas

515 Pins
5 Sections
Rainbow Paper | Color Science for Kids
Make a rainbow paper craft that changes colors as the paper is tipped back and forth in sunlight! Create gorgeous rainbow patterns and designs while teaching children the basics of thin film interference. Add this rainbow paper experiment to your list of simple experiments for kids and creative art and STEAM projects!
Exploring 25 Unique and Inspiring Art Journal Pages
25 Art journal inspiration for your own art jounaling. These art journal pages are filled with art journal doodles, mixed media art journaling, art journal techniques, collage art and much more. These can also inspiration for junk journal ideas, because it has so much art mixed media techniques!
How To Make Batik Art Using A Glue Stick • Craft Invaders
How To Make Batik Art Using A Glue Stick • Craft Invaders
Erupting Baking Soda Paint Recipe
Erupting baking soda paint - combining art and science with one simple paint recipe!
9 Watercolor Painting Tips for Beginners
Watercolor is a great medium to be able to draw in but when you are just starting out it is the best to read about these tips and tricks and improve your art INSTANTLY! #watercolor#watercolorpainting #howtowatercolor
5 easy watercolor painting lessons for children - NurtureStore
easy watercolour lessons for children, simple watercolour techniques, STEAM art and science lesson plan
Oil Pastel Painting -How to Blend Oil Pastels - The Kitchen Table Classroom
If you've got a list of supplies to keep available for your kids oil pastels should make the cut. Oil pastels are vibrant, inexpensive, and have so many applications! I've used oil pastels for many things but this is new! Check out the single ingredient to turn oil pastels from crayons into paint!