Our Articles and Blogs

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How much protein should I take if training for a full or half marathon?
Training for a marathon requires dedication, hard work, and proper nutrition. When it comes to fuelling your body for the long-distance challenge, protein plays a crucial role. In this article, we will explore the optimal protein intake for individuals training for a full or half marathon, helping you understand how much protein you should aim for to support your training and maximise your performance.
Elite Triathlon Coaching Programs | Top UK Tri Coaching
Are you cycling in the correct power zones? As the days and nights get darker and the weather turns here in the UK, many of us are considering using Zwift as our main source of cycling training. Link to blog post: https://bit.ly/3teJznI #triathlon #swimbikerun #running #ironman #triathlete #triathlontraining #cycling #run #bike #training #swim #swimming #fitness #tri #trilife #ironmantraining #triathlonlife #ironmantri #motivation
The UK & Ireland podium finishers at 70.3 World Champs 2022
The UK & Ireland podium finishers at 70.3 World Champs 2022 - Summary https://www.tri247.com/triathlon-news/elite/ironman-70-3-world-champs-podiums-gb-irl #triathlon #swimbikerun #running #ironman #triathlete #triathlontraining #triathloncoach #zone3 #elitetricoaching #ironman703 #cycling #swimming
IRONMAN World Championships 2023: Pro qualifiers so far
NEWS : IRONMAN World Championship 2023: Pro qualifiers for Kona https://www.tri247.com/triathlon-news/elite/ironman-kona-2023-qualifiers-pro Elite Tri Coaching (ETC) - contact us to see how we can help you achieve your goals https://bit.ly/3FsOQiB #triathlon #swimbikerun #running #ironman #triathlete #triathlontraining #cycling #run #bike #training #swim #swimming #fitness #tri #trilife #ironmantraining #triathlonlife #sport #runner #world #ciclismo #cyclinglife #ironmantri #motivation #tria
Elite Triathlon Coaching Programs | Top UK Tri Coaching
Technical Tuesdays - A weekly blog every Tuesday providing example technical sessions to include in your weekly training plans. This week, week 1 we start with the 3-2-1-1-2-3 Pyramid Session. Our session article can be found here: https://bit.ly/3U2hegc #triathlon #swimbikerun #running #ironman #triathlete #triathlontraining #cycling #run #bike #training #swim #swimming #fitness #tri #trilife #ironmantraining #running #runner Contact us to find out more
Elite Triathlon Coaching Programs | Top UK Tri Coaching
The journey so far. Four weeks into my rowing programme – what have I found so far. #journey #triathlon #swimbikerun #ironman #running #triathlete #triathlontraining #elitetricoach #run #bike #cycling #tri #trilife #swim #training #swimming #fitness Our article here : http://ow.ly/aqjS50AxBoi
Elite Triathlon Coaching Programs | Top UK Tri Coaching
In our final part at looking at mental toughness we look at finding your personal approach. This blog article looks at the clarification of your goals and rediscovering your inner motivation #triathlon #swimbikerun #ironman #running #triathlete #triathlontraining #elitetricoach #run #bike #cycling #tri #trilife #swim #training #swimming #fitness #ironmantraining #triathlonlife #world #ironmantri #triatlon #runner #sport #ciclismo #marathon #motivation #in #the #cyclinglife #bhfyp
Elite Triathlon Coaching Programs | Top UK Tri Coaching
A Mindfulness Approach Mindfulness is a psychological practice that brings your attention to the present moment without judgment. The methodology is rooted in several Buddhist traditions. Blog post: http://ow.ly/8Kcp50AoZn9 #triathlon #swimbikerun #ironman #running #triathlete #triathlontraining #elitetricoach #run #bike #cycling #tri #trilife #swim #training #swimming #fitness #ironmantraining #triathlonlife #world
Elite Triathlon Coaching Programs | Top UK Tri Coaching
How To Be Mentally Tough - Classic Sports Psychology - Part 1 We often hear that in endurance sports, mental toughness counts more than physical prowess. How do we train our minds, what techniques can give us the best results? And how can we use our time in quarantine to hone mental skills? #triathlon #swimbikerun #ironman #running #triathlete #triathlontraining #elitetricoach #run #bike #cycling #tri #trilife #swim #training #swimming #fitness #ironmantraining #triathlonlife
Can Beetroot Juice Improve Performance
Five years after the first research was published we have a greater understanding of how and why beets boost performance and how we can get the greatest benefit possible. This is a guide to optimising your beetroot intake.
Boost Your Performance Using Simple Sodium Bicarbonate
Want to improve your race performance by 1 to 3 percent but invest very little time, effort and money?
Sweet Spot Training Explained
Sweet Spot training is used to consolidate, or solidify, all the mixed types of training seen in a structured training plan. The idea is that an athlete can use Sweet Spot work to strengthen the base upon which all varied abilities are built on (aerobic endurance rides, VO2max intervals, anaerobic bursts, neuromuscular bursts, etc.).
Power Zones
Cycling intensity levels are commonly organised into Power Zones, with each zone matching a percentage of your FTP (Functional Threshold Power). Every zone offers unique benefits and adaptations, as each activates the body’s energy systems a different way. Balancing time in power zones is crucial to proper training.
Rowing & Running The Benefits Explained
At first glance it may appear that rowing and running have little in common. However, rowing supplements your running.