
27 Pins
baby Penguin, auditioning for Happy Feet. ha!I just asked if we could watch it!
Hey, I think that's our kid, 3,233rd from the left: Stunning pictures of island where penguins have created the world's largest crèche
King Penguins - ©Andy Rouse / Rex Features (via DailyMail)
Emperor Penguin Loves Everyone
He will search the entire beach to find the perfect pebble for the one he loves...
Animal Planet, part 125
No matter what you say, a penguin surfing on a dolphin... It makes your argument invalid.
Cute penguin shot
I just love Penguins.....especially fluffy chicks like this! <3
A penguin gives a cheeky grin as he strides through the snow with a spring in his step. The chinstrap penguin was snapped by German photographer Andreas Kutsch at Spigot Point, Antarctica.
Pictures of the day: 23 November 2012
An emperor penguin chick peers out from under his mother in Snow Hill Island, Antarctica
Baby Aspen 'Wash & Waddle' Penguin Hooded Terry Robe (Baby) | Nordstrom
wash and waddle penguin robe
.This reminds me of the colored pencil drawing I did called;Parents love
Award-winning pictures that take you on a journey
Emperor penguins share parenting responsibility. They mate for life and if their mate dies they will most likely never find another mate
Penguins #penguin #animallovers #animals
Meet the incredible smiling seal! How an intrepid photographer crawled across the ice on his stomach to get these amazing images
I'll keep you warm: A penguin keeps her young close in the frozen wastes of Antarctica
"Come on son, smile for the camera and I'll release you from this headlock" lol #SomethingCute
Penguin Lines- this application permits users to rate the pick-up lines based on the level of success for editing, changes, and self-congratulation.