Education Quizzes Children's Surveys

Every week we ask students a different question at our website and we always get many hundreds of responses. Every site visitor gets only one chance to respond to each survey. At last, children have a voice!
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Children's Survey - Which Planet do Children Like Most?
In this week’s survey we decided to find out which planet in our solar system is the most loved by children. So, what did we find out? Well, we discovered that one quarter of under 18s say Mars is their favourite planet, with the four gas giants, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune not too far behind.
Hedgehog Sightings - Survey of School Children
King George VI (1895-1952) said, “The wildlife of today is not ours to dispose of as we please. We have it in trust. We must account for it to those who come after.” He would be turning in his grave if he could see the problems that current-day adults are making for our wildlife.
Children's Surveys - How important is the protection of our environment to children?
Climate change is real, at least according to the vast majority of scientists it is. But not everybody thinks so. US President Donald Trump has said that he doesn’t believe in it and many others think as he does. This made us wonder what children think of the issue. Have they been convinced by Mr Trump and others that climate change poses no threat or do they believe the science?
Children's Surveys - What percentage of children have been bullied on social media?
Bullying is a curse of childhood. Ever since schools first opened they have, unfortunately, been the haunts of the playground persecutor. But nowadays, with the changes to society brought about by the internet, bullies have a new space in which to torment others – social media. For our latest survey we wanted to find out just how much of a problem this is.
Children's Surveys - How do children get to and from school?
The issue of how children get to and from school is often up for discussion. Few children live withing walking distance of their school so some kind of transportation is required. But which one do parents favour?
Children's Surveys If children could have a tattoo, what would they choose?
With tattoos becoming more popular in our culture, we wanted to know what children think about this. So, for this survey we asked them, “If you could have a tattoo, what would you choose?”
Children's Survey - How do you feel about returning to school after lockdown?
With schools returning after a six-month break in some cases due to lockdown, many parents are concerned for their safety. But how do children themselves feel about going back? We wanted to find out so, for this week’s survey we asked them, “How do you feel about returning to school after lockdown and the summer holidays?”
Children's Survey - Which book genre would you choose to read?
For our latest survey we wanted to find out the favourite genre of book amongst children. We asked the question, “Which of the following would you choose to read?” The winning group, with more than twice as many votes as that in second place, was Adventure which received 29% of the vote.
Children's Survey - Would You Walk Under A Ladder?
Superstition is becoming rarer, what with the advances and changes of belief in the modern age. We wanted to find out how superstitious children are, so for this poll we asked them whether or not they would walk under a ladder.
Children's Survey - Which Type of Music do Children Like Most?
Our latest survey asked children which style of music was their favourite. As you can see, Pop came first with over a third of children naming it as their favourite genre – unsurprising that it was the most popular: “pop” is short for “popular” after all.
Children's Survey - Which of these charities would you give the most money to?
In this survey we gave children a choice of some of the more well known charities and asked children, “Which of these charities would you give the most money to?” As you can see, one charity in particular dominated the results.
Children's Survey - If you were a contestant in the Olympics, which sport would you like to be in?
Here are the results from 7,100 children who answered our question "If you were a contestant in the Olympics, which sport would you like to be in?". The survey was conducted in the week ending May 24th, 2020.
Children's Survey - Favourite London tourist attraction survey
London pulls in tourists from all over the world with its historical landmarks, shops, museums and other attractions. But which of these is the favourite one for children to visit? For our latest poll we decided to find out.
Children's Survey - How often did you hear from your teachers during the lockdown period?
As you cannot fail to have noticed, the UK was on lockdown for several months starting in March 2020. Many parents worried that their children were missing out on their education. So, for our latest survey we decided to find out how much contact children were having with their teachers over this time.
You have £200. What would you buy? - Children's Survey
In our survey this week we tried to establish what our website visitors would do with a sudden windfall of £200. Here are the results from 3,401 children who answered.