Lowland Clearances

72 Pins
This row of shambles was destroyed for the extension of the Metropolitan Railway from Aldgate to Tower Hill, 1883
Hi def photos of East End - Jack The Ripper Forums - Ripperology For The 21st Century
Hi def photos of East End - Page 5 - Jack The Ripper Forums - Ripperology For The 21st Century
Gustave Doré: Gloom and Glory
Over the city by railway by Gustave Doré from London: A Pilgrimage. 1872. Doré here depicts the effect of the way railways cut into the hearts of city
18 Vintage Photos Of Charles Dickens' London
Boats in Limehouse.As a young boy Dickens would have visited his Godfather, Christopher Huffam, who ran a sailmaking and ship chandler shop there. Drawing on his experiences, he would later set scenes in Our Mutual Friend and Dombey and Son in the area.
High Victoriana
Regent Street, London 1860
A Room to Let in Old Aldgate
Spitalfields Life is simply one of the best blogs on London life and history ever.
A forgotten profession: In the days before alarm clocks were widely affordable, people like Mary Smith of Brenton Street were employed to rouse sleeping people in the early hours of the morning. They were commonly known as ‘knocker-ups’ or ‘knocker-uppers’. Mrs. Smith was paid sixpence a week to shoot dried peas at market workers’ windows in Limehouse Fields, London. Photograph from Philip Davies’ Lost London: 1870-1945.
Take me on a trip a long, long time ago!
Vintage Baked Potato Cart, 1892