1930s Adverts - how women were viewed and portrayed by western society

1930s Adverts - how women were viewed and portrayed by western society. Going through old magazines looking for style inspiration, I kept coming across some of the most hilarious adverts I have ever seen in my life. The first few made me giggle, shake my head and move on. However, after going through several dozen more of these, a certain pattern emerged. I always knew at the back of my mind that things used to be different in the ‘olden days’ and that politically correctness and equality where virtually non existent. However I never burdened my pretty little head with these things as I felt that it had nothing to do with me. This was not my fight. Growing up in the eighties, I took things for granted and never fought for any social cause nor was I ever concerned with gender equality. More than that, I often found feminists to be a bit annoying and ‘too much’, thinking to myself ‘men are men and women are women so just give it a rest and get a life!’. Going through these magazines was an eye opener as it clearly showed me how far western society had come in the past 80 years and how important it is to empower women to use their voices and to teach our children to continue doing so, because without those people who care, we would not be where we are today.
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Humor – theCHIVE
Vintage sexist ads are so wrong you have to laugh (17 Photos)
the ladies companion 1930s - Google Search
1930s Advert. Omg we have this brilliant marketing strategy! lets just shame and scare menstruating working women into buying our product! That should work....
Radio Mirror, May 1939, “How to catch a husband”
Lady In Danger... of loosing her man! ... isn’t it a shame she doesn’t know this lovelier way to avoid offending....
We are proud to be HIS honeymoon hands