
94 Pins
5 Sections
13 Feel-Good Hip Openers for Pelvic Pain
Are your tight hips putting a cramp in your lifestyle? Tight hips can lead to back pain and sciatica, and prevent you from doing activities that you enjoy. Try these 13 feel-good hip openers to loosen those muscles today. Get the workout here:
Invigorating Yoga Workout For Fat Burning | Evonne Loves Heath
Whether it’s six-pack abs, gain muscle or weight loss, these workout plan is great for beginners men and women. No gym or equipment needed!
Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Soup Recipe | Gimme Some Oven
20-Minute Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Soup -- inspired by the popular soup at Chili's
Shoulder Workouts For Women: 3 Moves To Make Them Sleek Sexy!
Insane Shoulder Workout For Women at Home with Weights - If you want to lose shoulder, arm and back fat then you need to start doing these routines.
Amazing Meal Prep Lunch Bags That'll Make Your Life Easier
Lift your breasts naturally! Try these chest and back strengthening exercises for women to help you tone, firm and lift your chest and improve your posture.
Back Fat Attack Exercises - Video - Natalie Jill Fitness
It happens. You put your bra on and “stuff” comes out of your bra strap, a little out of the back, a little to the side. So unpleasant right? In this video, I share four exercises, using just your own bodyweight, that will help attack the bra strap fat! Click image to watch video!
30 Day Thigh Slimming Challenge! – Blogilates
2. Join 30 Day Challenge