Neighbourhoods: Landscape

43 Pins
Milwaukee Avenue Green Development Corridor
"All techniques will capture water and reduce runoff to Lake Michigan and nearby rivers, which will reduce the amount of pollutants including salt, grease, motor oil, pet excrement, fertilizers, and phosphates that are deposited to our drinking water sources."
What We Still Don’t Know about the Health Benefits of Nature
Read "What We Still Don’t Know about the Health Benefits of Nature" in The Dirt, a blog of the American Society of Landscape Architects. Photo: ASLA 2017 Professional General Design Award of Excellence. Klyde Warren Park, Dallas, OJB Landscape Architecture / Gary Zonkovic Photography
South Gardens, Elephant Park « Landezine International Landscape Award LILA
South Gardens, Elephant Park « Landezine International Landscape Award LILA
Garden in rue de Meaux – Paris, France
Garden in rue de Meaux – Paris, France | oldgardens
Television Centre by Gillespies
Television Centre by Gillespies Landscape Architects « Landscape Architecture Platform | Landezine