quotes & sayings that makes me happy, sad & dwl

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I can't decide which side I'm on with this quote...the one who brings out the best in me, also brings out the worst; he knows exactly which buttons to press and when to press them. He doesn't do it to his advantage, but does it just because. And weirdly, that's a trait that I absolutely love about him. He doesn't realize when he's being an annoyance to me because to him, he just wants a laugh to brighten up his day. I don't know how to tell him, but I will do anything and everything to make ...
Start A Fire
When you stop making life about taking care of everyone else and take care of you first.
25 Inspirational Quotes from The Four Agreements - Jill Conyers
25 INSPIRING QUOTES FROM THE FOUR AGREEMENTS | Have you read The Four Agreements? Don Miguel Ruiz gives four principles as a guide to develop personal freedom and love, happiness, and peace. With these agreements you can change your limiting beliefs. Click through to read the full article and download the FREE Four Agreements posters. Pin it now and share it with your friends.
Hard to do for someone who over-analyzes EVERYTHING!! But it's important to get this straight in your head. You can move past the surface and try to understand the deeper workings of someone else's actions when you take yourself out of the equation.
Affirmations are a wonderful way to start your day. They can help you set the tone for how you want your experience to be, and aid you in establishing your intention for the day. Here is a simple morning affirmation to help you begin the day in an optimis
You can't stop a person from doing what they want to do. They'll start lying to you to continue doing it.
You can't stop a person from doing what they want to do. They'll start lying to you to continue doing it.
25 Deep Quotes about Life
Wow, sad when a relationship is like that.
If I have nothing left to say to someone I once fought with, it means I'm done. I'm done communicating. I'm done caring. 100% chance I don't give 2 F%/^$ about you anymore. I'll still be kind to you though. You probably aren't worth my fight or energy anymore. Being kind is all I can do now.