
Guardians, watchers, dimensional gateways
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Tree with Buttress Roots in Wooroonooran National Park in Queensland Australia A remarkable picture... amazing!
Le JardinOscope, toute la flore et la faune de nos parcs et jardins
Secret entrance
Ireland Calling Store
Trees in Celtic Mythology: Trees were hugely significant to the ancient Celts. They believed different kinds of trees served different mystical purposes that helped them through their lives.:
I love the paths that have the light at the end... so symbolic yet doctrinally incorrect, For His light follows us along the path as well, if we let Him,
Sages pensées... - bichaublog
The boabab tree in S Africa....over 2000 yrs old. Known as the tree of life...
The crooked forest. This is a real place in Poland. Around 80 years old, the theory is around 1930 a group of farmers planted these trees and intentionally damaged the base in order to create some product, uniquely shaped furniture perhaps. The farmers were unable to finish the work after the invasion of Poland during WW2 so we will never know. #crookedforest #poland #ww2 #ww11 #1930s #trees #treeworld #amazingplaces #amazingplacestovisit #amazingplanet
The Idea Is Everything | @Issue Journal of Business & Design
A campaign created by ad giant, Ogilvy & Mather, in Frankfurt, Germany. Hand-written placards were posted on more than 600 trees in Germany and helped OroVerde Rainforest Foundation raise cash donations
Annual Gathering - Call for Labyrinths-on-the-Grounds
Temporary "falling leaves" labyrinth. The Labyrinth Society site offers valuable information on the history of labyrinths, their healing power, right and left handed labyrinths, World Labyrinth Day, and more.