
23 Pins
Renaissance" Photo Album. A special marriage photo album. Cover pages painted with acrylic colors. Central plague with two medieval letters formed on hammered cooper metal. Border around and swans lyre at the back side burned with pyrographer and painted with gold acrylic color. Decoration flowers at four spots formed on cooper as well. Inside cover pages made of leather. Bookbinding made of me too.
Indutus Secreta by BCcreativity on DeviantArt
This is a solid 7x10 leather-bound journal with tea stained pages for the text block, marbled paper for the end sheets, and hand sewn headbands. The covers are designed with multiple levels and fil...
Dans les Entrailles du Temps - Entrepot N°74
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DISPLAY ITEM frog Journal secret diary van MyMandarinDucky op Etsy
Bookbinding tutorial part 2
bookbinding tutorial part 2
"Once Upon a Time" Photo Album. A totally aged & destroyed looks like photo album. Cover pages made of plywood. Photos attached by photo transferring method. Decorating border sculpt & burned with pyrographer. All cover scratched and burned. Spines & inside cover pages made of aged painted leather. Spikes are oxidized to rust. Album cardboards worked with tee and coffee to look old and mouldy one by one. Bookbinding made by me as well. Close safely with buckle. Images paintings of mine.