
Mindboard of David McCandless.
136 Pins
Information is Beautiful
Rhetological Fallacies - a graphical list of errors & manipulation of rhetoric and logical thinking with everyday examples. In nine languages. Never be duped again!
Information is Beautiful
Ikigai is an interesting self-development concept from Japan, a prism for potentially seeing how to bring satisfaction, happiness & meaning to life. The direct translation is the “happiness of being busy.”
Information is Beautiful
Mavericks & Heretics Ideas rejected, later proven correct
Information is Beautiful
The Eurozone? The European Economic Area? The European Free-Trade Area? The European Customs Union? Whaaat? A graphic that hopefully clarifies the complex structure of the European Union and the UK’s various routes for Brexit.
Data visualization report | Intertextuality and ph... - Tiziana Alocci
Intertextuality and photojournalism on Behance
Information is Beautiful
Based on a *True* True Story? - A scene-by-scene breakdown of Hollywood "true" story films. See which are true, false-ish or outright made up. Interactive version here:
Information is Beautiful
What is Meditation / Mindfulness? How do you do it? What does the science say about its effects?
Information is Beautiful
Mountains Out of Molehills | 16 years of media-inflamed fears - Information is Beautiful