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Other photographers.
Dorothea Lange in 1965 the year she died. A favorite quotes from her is "One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind."
Mr. John French
When it came to newspapers John French revolutionized fashion photography by perfecting the lighting of his models...
Bert Hardy - Artists - James Hyman: Fine Art and Photographs
Bert Hardy - photographer (1913 - 1995)
Museum Inspired Collection | V&A Shop
John French (1907-66) and and Daphne Abrams in a tailored suit, London, England, 1957.
McCullin (2012) by David Morris and Jacqui Morris - Unsung Films
The man himself - Don McCullin
un regard oblique
Imogen Cunningham (1883-1976) -- Commercial and artistic photographer, chemist, botanist and entirely her own person. In 1907, she went to work for Edward S. Curtis in Seattle to create the prints of Native Americans that appeared in his books, The North American Indian. In 1920, she permanently took up residence in the Bay Area of California, working as a commercial as well as an artistic photographer. By 1930 Cunningham was the lone female member of the f/64 Group. -- Photo by Ara Guler, 1970s
Edward Weston photographed by TIna Modotti 1924. ...lui se ne andava in giro con lastre 20x25cm ed ogni foto era una poesia .