
114 Pins
Immo-Crowdinvesting: Neues Rendity-Projekt in Wien 2
Das Immo-Crowdinvesting-Start-up Rendity startet sein nächstes Projekt (Gesamtvolumen: 500.000 Euro) in Wien Leopoldstadt. Interessierte sind ab 1.000 Euro dabei.
Gallery of CAP / AAVP Architecture - 1
Image 1 of 16 from gallery of CAP / AAVP Architecture. Photograph by Luc Boegly
Little Willy | LOW architecten
Little Willy - Brussels, Belgium - 2013 by LOW architecten #facade #concrete #windows #belgium
Der Clou liegt im System
Aufstockung in der Wiener Schüttelstraße. © OBENAUF Mehr
Wir schaffen Lebensraum für Menschen
Anturus GmbH - Wir schaffen Lebensraum für Menschen
Gallery of 2018 Brick in Architecture Award Winners Announced - 56
2018 Brick in Architecture Award Winners Announced,Four51 Marlborough – Boston, Massachusetts. Image © Trent Bell Photography
Shoreham Street / Project Orange
Shoreham Street / Project Orange - There are amazing architecture projects around the world. Here you can see every type of project, since buildings, to bridges or even other physical structures. Enjoy and see more at