Big Ideas for Curious Minds
One of The Observer's Best Children’s Books of 2018 An Introduction to Philosophy for Curious Young Minds Children are, in many ways, born philosophers. Without prompting, they ask some of the largest questions: about time, mortality, happiness and the meaning of it all. #culturekids #reading #books #bookstagram #readingtime #readinglife #library #stories
What Can I do When I grow up
A Young Person’s Guide to Careers, Money - and the Future ………………………………………………...dreamscometrue #dreamsdocometrue #dreamscape #dreamstate #dreamsetup #dreamstoreality #dreamspots #dreamscancometrue #dreamscomingtrue #dreamspuntacana #dreamsmatter #dreamsreallydocometrue #dreamsintoreality #dreamsbecomereality #dreamslaromana #dreamscomestrue #dreamshoes #dreamsdontworkunlessyoudo #dreamscapes #dreamschool