
14 Pins
It was the Romans who tagged to the broken mirror a sign of seven years bad luck. The length of the prescribed misfortune came from the ancient Roman belief that it took seven years for life to renew itself.
It's better than Tinder!
font/type as design: I like the idea of overlaying the same font or different fonts over each other. It doesn't make it TOO distracting, instead it makes it more interesting, and has a 3-D effect that captures the viewer's attention.
Broken Glass - Photoshop Actions
Broken Glass - Photoshop Actions - Broken Glass Text and Shape Actions for Photoshop CS3+ is a Great Tool for Flyer Titles, Games, Apps and other advertising projects.
Might try developing this idea by doing the similar cracks, but in the face of Big Ben, calling the piece 'A Fragment In Time' with number filling the gaps between the cracks
Telerama | Mucho
Commercial Type x Télérama collab doublespeak, doublethink rebel against the authoritarians
VC501 – Dissertation Preperation: Anti-Consumerism and Culture
Barbara Kruger : You Are NOT YOURSELF ('83/84) - FRAGMENTED, BROKEN MIRROR, TENSION, NEGATION OF IDENTITY: Cultural Theory of schizophrenic subject (POSTMODERN) and dissolution of self