
49 Pins
940 Likes, 15 Comments - Clare Youngs (@clareyoungs) on Instagram: “Mark making with a bottle of ink and these lovely pens that my friend @woven_tales gave me.…”
3,459 Likes, 85 Comments - Clare Youngs (@clareyoungs) on Instagram: “Just some of the birds I made for the #100dayproject I am working on a few more creatures and I am…”
21 IKEA Desk Hacks for the Most Productive Workspace *Ever*
Show your IKEA work work work work workspace a little love.
23 Fun STEAM and STEM Activities for Kids
Let shadows be your child’s guide for this activity. In the morning (8 a.m.) or late afternoon (4 p.m.), place a table in a sunny spot where long shadows will be cast. Unroll paper (Easel Paper Roll, $14; along one side of the table, and arrange a variety of objects along the paper’s edge. Have your child trace the shadows with markers.
How To Make Cyanotype Textiles and Fabrics
How To Make Cyanotype Textiles and Fabrics — Apartment Therapy Tutorials
Stick Loom Magic Wands - Little Big House Tales
On a recent trip to the woods near our house Little Brother and I stumbled across some lovely wishbone sticks. I had seen some weavings using these sticks on Apartment therapy a while back and always thought it looked like a fun activity. A week later, and not one but three of these beauties have miraculously appeared. The kids think they make the coolest magic wands and have been prancing around the house casting spells on each other. I must confess, they are really satisfying to make and ve...
Rolled Paper Sculptures
My four-year old art students never cease to amaze me. Each week I spend a LOT of time thinking up projects for class. My main objectives for their art expe