
Do you still believe Midlife is boring? Think twice! Welcome to the inspiring world of Crunchytales.com. Midlife is a great chance to rediscover yourself and reinvent a new path. Make us part of your journey and let's challenge stereotypes, encouraging a future where we can all embrace growing older, smashing preconceptions about ageing and making women over 40 more visible. Let's get loud!
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Since we are ambitious, #greypride #women who are not bound to settle for the fabulous results we achieved this year, we intend to grow and develop our activities further with the help of the #community. 👥 👉 Support our #campaign on #Kickstarter 👈 #crowdfunding #crunchytales #crunchytalks #over40 #ageing #midlifewomen #ageingwell #womensupportingwomen #midlife #rebooting #magazine #lifestyle #wellbeing #mymidlife #empoweringwomen #ageisjustanumber #beyourself #escaping #illustration #sassy
Crunchytales.com | Smart Stories For Late Bloomers
MONDAY MOTIVATION Coco Chanel was a pioneer in the world of #fashion who defined an era of #style with her classic, #timeless designs and redefined what it was to dress as a woman. A firm believer in #elegance and the wearing of perfume, she had a lot to say about life - whether it was how to achieve your dreams or the importance of putting on make-up. Be Wise, Age Playfully! Follow crunchytales.com | smart stories for midlife bloomers #chanel #ageingwell #ageisjustanumber #embraceage #over40
Discussing her new role as global spokesperson for L’Oréal Paris, the pop star #CelineDion said: "I am discovering myself more and more. I am a woman assuming her own destiny, full of #energy and in love with life. It’s never too late to start. At 51, I have the sense that I am at my pinnacle!”. Be Wise, Age Playfully! #mondaymotivation #quoteoftheday #ageingwell #ageisjustanumber #ageless #embraceyourage #agepride #greypride #nevertoolate #over50 #midlifewomen
If you #wakeup in the #morning with a #Picasso like face, don't worry! #Ageing is #changing...you never know...you might turn into a #masterpiece 🤣 #MondayMotivation #MondayMood #midlife #betterwithage #quotesoftheday #over40 #agepositive #positivemindset #positiveageing
If you are struggling today, remember that the best is yet to come.... Follow crunchytales.com | smart stories for midlife bloomers #midlife #mondaymotivation #quoteoftheday #ageisjustanumber #stronger #mindset #ageingweill #exhale #motivationalquote #motivationalmonday
Postcard Of Kindness
You may not think of a smile as the correct response to a stressful situation, but this may be just what you need. Be Wise, Age Playfully! Follow crunchytales.com | smart stories for midlife bloomers #kindness #empoweringwomen #midlife #greetings #motivation #weekend #postcardsofkindness #havefun
Former American Vogue and Harper's Bazaar editor, Diana Vreeland wasn't into a rarefied untouchable beauty – she wanted to celebrate what made people unique. From John Lennon to Jackie Kennedy, she wanted personality. And a touch of personality Is just what we need to inject into our life to spice up our 50s... >>Be Wise, Age Playfully! Follow crunchytales.com, smart stories for midlife bloomers #quoteoftheday #midlifestyle #ageisjustanumber
Learn the art of saying no! Be Wise, Age Playfully! Follow crunchytales.com | smart stories for midlife bloomers #kindness #empoweringwomen #midlife #greetings #motivation #weekend #postcardsofkindness #midlifewomen
Midlife Motivation
Are you looking for ways to improve your self-confidence? Instead of smoothing your wrinkles, start nurturing your inner strength. Be Wise, Age Playfully! Follow crunchytales.com | smart stories for #midlife bloomers #quoteoftheday #selfconfidence #selfempowerment #midlife #confidence #nurturing #flourishing #motivationalquote #mondaymotivation #ageisjustanumber
Be Wise, Age Playfully! JOIN US
Are you on The List? The Crunchy Bulletin is on its way. Here is a sneak peek on what you have been missing.... Sign up for updates and download your free pocket guide on "How to Age Playfully", essential action steps for every modern lady. Just follow this link: https://www.crunchytales.com/join-us/ #playtime #metime #ageingplayfully #pocketguide #midlifewomen #youcandoit #havefun #proagingmovement #howtoagewell #over40 #over50 #joinus #ageisjustanumber #ageingwell
Postcard Of Kindness
Isn't it the most wonderful feeling to be totally absorbed in something you like when time passes magically? Be Wise, Age Playfully! Follow crunchytales.com | smart stories for midlife bloomers #kindness #empoweringwomen #midlife #greetings #motivation #ageingwell #weekendmood #postcardsofkindness #inspirationalwords
Midlife Thoughts
Be Wise, Age Playfully! Follow Crunchytales.com | smart stories for midlife bloomers #midlife #mondaymotivation #bestquotes #over40 #over50 #mondaythoughts #mondaymood #ageisjustanumber #ageingwell #quoteofthday
Postcard of Kindness
How do you spend your weekend wisely? Reading our postcard of kindness! Greetings from CrunchyTales xxx #empoweringwomen #midlife #kindness #greetings #motivation #weekend #over40 #ageisjustanumber
Monday Motivation
M.M.K. Monday Motivational Kick Victoria Moran is an American inspirational speaker, writer and a certified life coach, author of "Younger by the Day: 365 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Body and Revitalize Your Spirit". She was baffled when midlife seemed to change everything, from the shape of her body to her visibility in society. Then she began a year journey, asking questions like: Why do some women blossom with age while others wither? Here is the answer....love yourself! Be like yourself!
Postcard of kindness
Don't worry, be happy, be Wise and age playfully! >>Follow crunchytales.com | smart stories for #midlife bloomers #noregrets #midlifeissues #midlifecrisis #ageisjustanumber #ageingwell #selfempowerment #weekendvibes