The stars and skies

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IC 342, the Hidden Galaxy, is positioned only 10° above the plane of our Milky Way, so its light is heavily obscured & reddened by dust. It is 7 mly away but is not part of our Local Group of galaxies. Credit: Bruce Waddington
"Star seeds" (Milky Way) Colorful inspiration to add my personal quote onto my body (about the stars in the sky)
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
APOD: 2011 September 4 - In the Shadow of Saturn
The robotic Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn drifted in giant planet's shadow for about 12 hours in 2006 and looked back toward the eclipsed Sun.
Netvibes Decision-Making Dashboards
Fire in the Night Sky by Bill Currier. -&nbsptakequickbreak Resources and Information.
The wonders of mother nature (PART 3) | Take a Quick Break -&nbsptakequickbreak Resources and Information.
The wonders of mother nature (PART 4) | Take a Quick Break
APOD: 2011 September 21 - Pleiades Deep Field
pleiades deep field, gorgeous color!