Mindful March

Becoming more mindful in small practical ways can help you develop the skills of paying more attention to the present moment. In turn,​ these skills can improve your attention while driving, reduce driving nerves and anxiety and help you mentally prepare for a driving test or increase your driving confidence.
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Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Whatever the weather today take some time to go outdoors and feel the air /sun/wind or rain on your skin. Focus on the sensations you can feel in the moment and notice your own reactions of liking or disliking and instead see if you can let go of those feelings to just notice how it is
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Mindful March - Today be interested and curious with your sense of smell. Notice the variety of smells around you, your shower gel, shampoo, fresh coffee, baking, laundry, cut grass, petrol station etc. How would you describe the smells to someone else? How do you respond to the smells physically, emotionally and mentally?
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Mindful March - Which has been your favourite mindful task or mindful moment so far this month? Can you plan to do more of that today as its the weekend? What weird thing makes you aware of the present moment? Definitely, freshly cleaned sheets is high on my list!
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Mindful March - Today pick a tv programme that you enjoy and watch it from start to finish without distractions (yes I’m talking about your phone again!) Notice any urges to do something else at the same time and how it feels to resist and just give the programme your full attention.
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Yesterday’s moment of mindfulness mentioned being kind to yourself - today practice a random act of kindness for someone else and then tell us what you did! Check out Sharon Salzburg’s page for more info on loving kindness mindfulness https://www.facebook.com/SharonSalzberg/
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Today pay attention to the way you speak to yourself, either out loud or in your head. If your inner voice is critical see what it feels like to consciously add in a positive or finish with “and I’m doing the best I can”
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Mindful March - Take a mindful shower or bath instead of being on autopilot. There is lots to be aware of, the temperature of the water, sensations as it makes contact with your skin, the sound of the water, smell of your soap, try to really pay attention to the fine detail as you wash an arm or a leg. #confidentdrivers #drivinginstructor #supportingnervouspupils #helpingdrivingtestnerves #mindfulmarch
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Mindful March - Today simply observe what is happening around you and how you feel while you are waiting or travelling ( instead of looking at your phone) #confidentdrivers #drivinginstructor #supportingnervouspupils #helpingdrivingtestnerves #mindfulmarch
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
It’s Friday! Check in to how your mood is today - have you got that Friday feeling? How does that feel? How would you describe it? Or does the idea of the weekend leave you feeling stressed? Try not to get carried away by thoughts and stories about your mood, try not to change your mood, our moods are fluctuating all the time in response to our experience, just notice how it is right now. #confidentdrivers #drivinginstructor #supportingnervouspupils #helpingdrivingtestnerves #mindfulmarch
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Mindful March - Take a mindful moment while you eat today. Slow the process down, look at your food as if seeing it for the first time. Notice the colour and texture, notice any smells as you hold it close to your lips. Be aware of any physical sensations and thoughts as you prepare to eat. Take a small bite and hold it on your tongue for a moment before consciously chewing and swallowing, seeing if you can notice how long you can trace the sensation as you swallow your food. You can try this fo
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Do you have your chair or spot that you always sit in to watch tv or eat your dinner at the dining table? Today’s mindful task is to sit somewhere different and notice how it feels to break a well practised habit, notice if things look and feel different from your new perspective.
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Smile! Today take a mindful moment and smile, notice how it makes you feel and notice how it makes other people respond.
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Today try setting yourself designated times to check your phone for messages or social media. Then notice when you get the urge to pick up the phone outside of those times. How does it feel? What thoughts or feelings come and go? Can you stick to your designated times or do you forget? How does that feel? There is no right or wrong - you are just aiming to notice your experience. This one may not be the most comfortable of mindful moments for everyone - let us know how you get on!
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Take a mindful moment today while cleaning your teeth, really give the task your full attention rather than thinking about your to-do​ list. Notice your toothbrush and how your toothpaste tastes and smells, notice the sensations of the brush making contact with teeth, gums. tongue, lips, the sounds that you or your toothbrush make. Notice the fine detail for a few seconds or the whole clean if you can. What did you notice?
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
You can be mindful without meditating and this month I aim to show you how, (Mindfulness is my thing - I love practising it and teaching it!) Here are some different mindful moments, tasks or suggestions for you to try. If you don’t like one on a particular day just repeat one you did like. The aim is to consciously be aware of the present moment for a few seconds every day - building a daily habit of mindfulness. It takes virtually no time at all.