Coaching questions for nervous drivers

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Driving Test Nerves: Ultimate top tips | Confident Drivers
What have you learnt in previous driving lessons which will help you with something you feel nervous about next lesson?
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Continuing with limiting beliefs, how will it be if they never change and what would need to happen to change them? #confidentdrivers #drivinginstructor #supportingnervouspupils #helpingdrivingtestnerves #drivinggoals
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Having added more detail to your mind map identified your concerns, the specific elements that are worrying you and their consequences - taking each worry and consequence, in turn, start to consider what options you have to reduce the consequences. What are the things you can do and what are the benefits of doing them? Your mind map is now becoming an action plan!
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
To make your mind map really useful add more detail to your concerns, what is it about them that worries you and what are the consequences? Refer back to the mind mapping video on our YouTube channel if you get stuck
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
If yesterdays mind mapping video appealed to you start creating your own by asking yourself what is your driving concern? Then think about the different elements specifically that are concerning you. These will be the smaller goals that you can begin working towards.
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
You have your driving goal, you know what you need to focus on first, stop to think about how challenging that is for you? If it's too challenging consider breaking it down into smaller more manageable actions.
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
So now you have your driving goal, whether is a big goal or several small ones, what is the most important thing for you to focus on next? Prioritising where you put your attention will help you achieve your goal faster. #confidentdrivers #drivinginstructor #supportingnervouspupils #helpingdrivingtestnerves #drivinggoals
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
When setting a goal for dealing with test nerves, ask yourself what it is specifically that you are worried about. Then you can create goals to focus on those areas. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and have a time frame. Otherwise, you may feel that you will never be able to reduce the anxiety and stress related to your driving test.
Calm driving nerves & boost confidence | Confident Drivers
Make sure you set yourself a goal for your driving - whether its to pass your test or to perfect a manoeuvre - big or small make sure you know what your goal is - and maybe share it with us! #confidentdrivers #drivinginstructor #supportingnervouspupils #helpingdrivingtestnerves #drivinggoals #coachingquestions