Order and Disorder

155 Pins
Could be an interesting art journa background! Photographer: Elena Nuez bicocacolors: tramas
Saatchi Online Artist: sanaz vosough ghanbari; Painting, Assemblage / Collage No title
Flocks of Birds Laser Cut from Maps by Claire Brewster — Colossal
Flocks of Birds Laser Cut from Maps by Claire Brewster http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/05/flocks-of-birds-laser-cut-from-maps-by-claire-brewster/
Again here shows the use of portraiture using the map as the canvas. Ed Fairburn.
Guy Denning Sketches Occupy Wall Street
Guy Denning Sketches Occupy Wall Street
Flocks of Birds Laser Cut from Maps by Claire Brewster — Colossal
Flocks of Birds Laser Cut from Maps by Claire Brewster http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/05/flocks-of-birds-laser-cut-from-maps-by-claire-brewster/
new map art by chris kenny
map art - a cut selection of significant pieces of maps
Anatomical Collages by Travis Bedel — Colossal
Anatomical Collages by Travis Bedel http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/03/anatomical-collages-by-travis-bedel/
Embroidered Landscapes and Plants by Ana Teresa Barboza
Embroidered Landscapes and Plants by Ana Teresa Barboza http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/06/embroidered-landscapes-and-plants-by-ana-teresa-barboza/