
15 Pins
Practice Printing Bags
Practice Printing Bags - A great fine motor activity and fun writing practice!...might add this as a choice for my spelling station!
Whisper phones so children can hear the sounds they make as well as keep the noise level down.
Corn and Cookie Cutter Simple Sensory Bin - The OT Toolbox
Corn sensory bin with cookie cutters- Simple sensory bin idea for a letter "c" theme. From Sugar Aunts
Mrs. Bremer's Class
Lots of literacy and math station printables. I like this letter matching activity, although I'd do it so they spell actual words.
Printable Storytelling Prompts for Kids
storytelling prompts for kids - a fun free printable that will inspire kids.
Book Walk
A book walk! I love this activity for so many reasons. 1) It is great for those who learn best through movement and touch. 2) It gets kids outside. 3) It uses realia to teach vocabulary. Fun fun fun! I must do this with my ESOL class at least once this year!
Lucky dip with keywords / high frequency words. The children have a list of words each that they have to find in the shredded paper. Literacy skills / games, kindergarten, grade 1
Fill In The Blank Spelling with Playdough
fun way to practice alphabet, sight words, etc.