
18 Pins
Blank box templates - freebie!
Blank box templates - freebie! have fun making these boxes and decorating them yourselves with this free printable file.
Hexagon digital paper template & hex. paper freebies
Free hexagon digi paper template that you can fill with other patterns and photos, with a tutorial to boot.
Easy Paper Flower Tutorial
Free flower template & a great tutorial - from 'OMG my DIY wedding' http://omgdiywedding.blogspot.ca/2011/06/easy-paper-flower-tutorial.html
SHOE TEMPLATE ~ Think of all the patterned paper or paper piecing shoes you can come up with. Perhaps you will be inpired to come up with your own template styles of shoes.
Birdhouse Tutorial and Template
Birdhouse Tutorial and Template
Mirkwood Designs - Triptych Card Templates
Triple fold card 2 http://www.ruthannzaroff.com/mirkwooddesigns/images/triptych2.gif