Hands on Health - Family Chiropractic

www.camberleychiropractor.co Chiropractors provide care to a range of people of all ages and a range of conditions, acute and long standing. At Hands on Health - Family Chiropractic Clinic the whole person is looked after not just the symptoms. An integrated and holistic approach is taken according to your health needs. What does a chiropractor treat? The answer of course, is YOU!
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“The numbers are rising. … In 2000, a survey found that there were about 30 million pediatric visits to chiropractors; by 2009, that figure had more than doubled, to 68 million.2 The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners’ most recent practice analysis, issued in 2010, found that about 17 percent of chiropractic patients were under age 18 — approximately 7.7 percent aged five years or younger and some 9.4 percent between ages six and 17.” Source: http://bit.ly/2ohdU4U Let’s lead the way as a community - who is ready to have their children checked? #GetChecked #ChiroForKids Please let us know if you have any questions! Find out more with a Free Advisory Telehealth Consultation https://handsonhealthfamilychiropractor.fullslate.com/services/2731
More veg
Eat more plants! This one isn’t hard. Make sure that the majority of your plate is filled with vegetables. Also, potatoes don’t count as a vegetable in this instance, since we know now that eating starchy food is essentially like eating sugar. Find out more with a Free Advisory Telehealth Consultation https://handsonhealthfamilychiropractor.fullslate.com/services/2731 #healthybodyhealthymind #guthealth
Cut the sugar
Hundreds of studies have linked excess sugar intake to all kinds of health issues ranging from obesity to inflammation. The easiest way to cut sugar is to cut out sugary drinks! (We should only be getting about 25 grams of sugar per day and there are 39 grams of sugar in 12oz can of Coca Cola? Yikes!) But soda isn’t the only culprit. Check out the sugar content for the juices you’re drinking! For example, a single serving of an Odwalla “Superfood” Green Smoothie has 51 GRAMS OF SUGAR!
Paleo diet
Have you heard of the Paleo diet? Maybe you’ve even tried it yourself. It’s based on the diet of our cave-dwelling ancestors who, out of necessity, ate protein-rich, low carb foods. Today, people who follow a paleo diet benefit from the absence of processed food, gluten, and sugar, which they attribute to reversing health issues (such as IBS, weight gain, and symptoms of autoimmune conditions). Find out more with a Free Advisory Telehealth Consultation https://handsonhealthfamilychiro
Back pain
What’s even scarier than this statistic is how many men think it’s not “manly” to seek treatment for their pain! Guys… our female patients have said themselves that it’s attractive for a man to want to better himself instead of hiding behind the pain. Why are you still suffering?! Please let us know if you have any questions! #GetChecked
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or IBS) is a chronic abdominal pain often accompanied by irregular and/or painful digestive tract activity and is difficult to diagnose due to so many variables that contribute to our overall digestive health. If you suffer from IBS, please give us a call to discuss your options when it comes to chiropractic care: 01276501777 #GetChecked