
45 Pins
Cute Jungle Animal Birthday Cake. With fondant Lion, Elephant, Crocodile, Hippo and Snake . Additional pins for this cake...
A "Diamond Themed" Blush and Platinum Wedding in New York -Munaluchi Bride
A "Diamond Themed" Blush and Platinum Wedding in New York - Munaluchi Bridal Magazine~very PRETTY
Top 10 Pantone Wedding Colors for Fall 2015 - Blog
pantone cadmium orange and gray fall wedding color ideas 2015
fondant wedding cake, ivory wedding cake, lace piping, paisley wedding cake, initial wedding cake, classic wedding cake, elegant wedding cake
Usually My Cakes Are More Over The Top So This Time I Wanted To Make It Simple But Powerful In Colour Luna Was Happy With Her My Little
Little pony cake
On life and time.
My Little Cupcakes. My sister prompted me to start watching MLP Friendship is Magic, however, I have become quite the fan :) #Bronies + #Pegasisters unite!
Positive quotes (The Good Vibe)
And don't sacrifice what you deserve in the future for what you feel in the present...