pierod makeup

16 Pins
African queen by Striapunina on DeviantArt
African queen by Striapunina repinned by thecelestinecollection.com
I still really want to do a Native American themed photoshoot.
Hathor is an Ancient Egyptian goddess who personified the principles of joy, feminine love, and motherhood. Hathor was worshiped by Royalty and common people alike in whose tombs she is depicted as "Mistress of the West" welcoming the dead into the next life. In other roles she was a goddess of music, dance, foreign lands and fertility who helped women in childbirth, as well as the patron goddess of miners
Egyptian makeup - They used vegetable dyes, red clay and white lead to create a face. Hair was generally black sometimes with green, blue or red dyes on the wig. They would match their eyeshadow to the colour of the hair on the wig. Golds were the main focus of this era.
Egyptian makeup inspiration