
57 Pins
Honey Bee – Print and Color
The beetle family Phengodidae is known also as glowworm beetles, whose larvae are known as glowworms.
30 Beautiful Pictures of Animals Macro Photography
30 Beautiful Pictures of Animals Macro Photography
Beautiful Photo - BetterPhoto IS Photo Courses, Contests, and Websites
Wow, we missed a frozen iron // metal shackle in the list of our favorite #macro photos. Love the gradient in the background: the colors really sparkle in contrast to the hurting frozen chain covered with ice crystals.
Il mio piccolo mondo - My little world - "Formica" | by Vittorio Tagliabue
Very interesting! These are Pentatomoidea, commonly known as shield bugs or stink bugs. Shield bugs have glands in their thorax between the first and second pair of legs which produce a foul smelling liquid. This liquid is used defensively to deter potential predators and is sometimes released when the bugs are handled carelessly.
mama centipde and babies. I absolutely HATE centipedes. But seeing any mom holding tight to her babies... I've found mama centipedes like this and couldn't kill them. It's a mom trying to protect her babies!
That Girl
¡Hurra! Uno de mis hormigas ya está caminando y que puede también hacer cosas como mover esta gota de agua que cayó esta mañana!
Brown cicadas
(Megatibicen tremulus) Large Brown cicada - Western USA
The More the Merrier - Ulrika Arnell
Did your satnav send you this way as well Eric.what a bugger .!