My Childhood Memories

385 Pins
Collectable Medicine & Cure Bottles for sale | eBay
Vintage elasto plast elastic adhesive plaster
Gold spot breath freshener. Mum always had a little gold phial of this in her handbag and you used just a drop on your tongue. It tasted vile but was better than nothing. You couldn't taste anything for at least half an hour afterwards so good if you were dieting.
Rag, Tag and Bobtail. One of the first things on TV that I remember watching. MS
Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles & More | eBay
Avon Pretty Peach. My Mum was an Avon lady in the seventies and bought me some of this. Seeing these brings back the scent.
Watch with Mother
Rag, Tag and Bobtail, Watch with Mother, Thursdays
10 lost chocolate classics - which do you miss most?
Why do they not make these any more?
Jongens van Nova
Standing and swinging ..and the ground was concrete! No health and safety in those days - we were tough! -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspstuffkit Resources and Information.
blackberry picking...still do it:)