Resources for Careers Advisors, Leaders & Teachers

A mixed bag of resources that are useful to practitioners working in schools and 6th form colleges in the UK. Mainly for use with students/groups Inclusion doesn't equate to endorsement.
50 Pins
LMI Explorer
LMI Explorer
A free resource for schools to make planning of careers events easier.
#NCW2018 Careers Ed Booklet - National Careers Week
The National Careers Week site. Lots of free resources and information
D2N2 | Local Enterprise Partnership for Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire
Some great videos for schools about the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks
An Employer's Guide to employer engagement in schools
Careers & Virtual Work Experience (VWEX) Programme Software | Grofar - Careers Service, Work Placement, and Work Experience Software
Free Careers Plan from Grofar - meet benchmark 1 of Gatsby
The Enterprise Adviser Network - YouTube
Tools and resources to help you
Guides and resources | Undergraduate | @UCAS
Compare the Best University Degrees Courses UK | Whatuni
A free tool to track students applications via @whatuni
Access Toolkit
Access Toolkit | Teach First - Fantastic resource for #CEIAG in schools
404 Page - CASCAID
Developing careers work a toolkit from @cascaid & @careersslr
Forum Talent Potential
Case studies of successful career learning good practice