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Yarn Cake Inspirations - free patterns! - Peanut and plum
I have chosen 15 of my favourite yarn cake Free patterns – Perfect for Spring accessories that are timeless. #crochet #crochetpatternsfree #yarncakes #crochetforbeginners
the beekeeper's quilt pattern by tiny owl knits
Bee Keepers Quilt - absolutely beautiful! it'd be a good way to use up all my odds and ends. just another hexie quilt to keep on tap :)
Knit Baby Sweater Outwear Free Patterns
Knit Azel Pullover Poncho Pattern By Heidi May - Knit Baby Sweater Outwear Free Patterns
the beekeeper's quilt pattern by tiny owl knits
Bee Keepers Quilt - absolutely beautiful! it'd be a good way to use up all my odds and ends. just another hexie quilt to keep on tap :)
[Vu sur Ravelry] : trois écharpes faciles pour Noël
simple ladder lace - Cast on 24 sts (or any number of stiches dividable with 4). Knit 2 rows. Knit pattern row: K4, (YO, K2tog, K2) repeat between ( ) 5 times. Repeat the pattern row until your scarf is at desired length. Knit 1 row.
Blocking (garments) - Techniques with Theresa
Blocking (garments) - Techniques with Theresa : Knitty Deep Fall 2010
invisible join, I've been looking for this, I knew there was an easier way!.
Stripes and Carrying Yarn Up The Side — With Wool
Spend your time knitting, not weaving in ends! Here's the final tutorial celebrating the Mosaic Sisters pattern! Today's tutorial is about how to carry yarns up the side of your work when you're knitting stripes. Doesn't matter if the stripes are narrow, wide, or take up less than a row.
Knitting ER: How to Fix Your Mistakes
Do you dread having to show up at your local yarn store again for a dropped stitch, pesky hole or just general knitting mayhem? Is the thought of having to rip out a project and start over enough to send you screaming and running for the hills?
How to Knit the Honeycomb Brioche Stitch Pattern
How to Knit the Honeycomb Stitch Easy Free Knitting Pattern with Studio Knit via @StudioKnit
Raspberry Knit Stitch Pattern
How to Knit the RASPBERRY STITCH via @StudioKnit More