A journey into hot yoga
15 Pins
Multi-Coloured Capris Short Leggings – The Blue Works
Bikram Toe stand - nearly end of the 30 days' challenge! #bikramyoga #hotyoga #hathayoag #yogachallenge
Multi-Coloured Capris Short Leggings – The Blue Works
Locust pose in the Bikram 30 days' challenge #locustpose #yogachallenge #bikramyoga #hotyoga #yogapose
Multi-Coloured Stretchy Leggings – The Painter
Balancing stick pose! #hotyoga #yogachallenge
Multi-Coloured Stretchy Leggings – The Painter
Standing forehead to knee - work in progress #bikramyoga #30dayschallenge
Purple & Pink Multi-Coloured Capris Short Leggings – Pretty Purple
Hands to feet pose at 7am! Trying to fold my body like a ham sandwich.
Multi-Coloured Yellow & Orange Capris Short Leggings – Cheeky Pink
Chair pose! Sit back, sit lower, more back...
Multi-Coloured Stretchy Leggings – The Painter
Celebrating Bikram Yoga Fleet's 6th birthday with a tree pose!
Multi-Coloured Capris Short Leggings – The Blue Works
One hand off the ground... working on the second hand off the ground in Bikram toe stand! #hotyoga #bikramyoga
Multi-Coloured Stretchy Leggings – The Painter
Focus makes all the difference in toe stand!
Second Week of My 30 Days’ Bikram Yoga Challenge
Bodhi Me Eagle Pose
Second Week of My 30 Days’ Bikram Yoga Challenge
Bodhi Me Half Tortoise Pose
Second Week of My 30 Days’ Bikram Yoga Challenge
Second Week of My 30 Days’ Bikram Yoga Challenge
My First Ever 30 Days’ Bikram Yoga Challenge
Bodhi Me Bikram Spinal Twist 30 Days' Challenge
My First Ever 30 Days’ Bikram Yoga Challenge
Bodhi Me Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose
My First Ever 30 Days’ Bikram Yoga Challenge
Bodhi Me Camel Pose