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Just4FunCrafts and DoveArt Studios on Bloglovin
Blue Swatches & Color Combinations - Spectrum Noir Colouring System from Crafter's Companion
Copic Marker Benelux
Op dit blog vind je alles over het kleuren en werken met Copic Markers, Airbursh, wide markers, Copic Various inkt, Copic Activator.
Copic Marker Benelux
Op dit blog vind je alles over het kleuren en werken met Copic Markers, Airbursh, wide markers, Copic Various inkt, Copic Activator.
Bubble Heart
Bubble Heart: Hair: Boy: E50-E51-E53-E35 Girl: E00-E13-E15-E18; Outfit Boy: Sweater: YG000-YG00-G12-G24-YG67 Trousers: B0000-B91-B93-B95-B97-B99 Shoes: YG00-G12-G24-YG67-C3-C1-0; Outfit Girl: Dress/Ribbon: RV10-R81-R83-R85-R89 Sweater: B0000-B91-B93-B95-B97-B99 Leggings: RV10-R81-R83-R85-R89-C3-C1-0 Boots: Y000-Y15-Y23-YR38; Bubble Heart: RV10-R81-R83-R85; Background W1-W3-W5-0.
Love is in the Air
Copic Marker Europe: Saturated Canary Love Language - Gifts ~ Copics: skin: E000, E00,E02, E21, E11. hair: E47, E44, E42. dress: RV91, RV93, RV95. shoes: N5, N3, W7, W5. socks: C3, C1. ties: V12, V17. background: V000, V01, gesso and sparkle.
How to use copic markers tutorial 10 | pumpkins printable and shading how-to
Copic colors for pumpkins
Let's hear it for the girls!
Copic Marker Europe: Let's hear it for the girls! Skin: E0000, E000, E00, V20 Hair: E40, E41, E42, E43, E44 Cape: R20, R21, R22, R24, R29 Sweater: B32, B34, B41 Tights: YR30, E81, B0000, B000, N1, N2 Shirt: B0000, B000, N0, N1, N2 Shoes: R21, R22, R24, R29, B0000, B000, B21, B23, N0, N1, N3, N5, W1, W2 Ground: N0, N1
Baby Diary
Copic Markers used: Skin:E11, E50, E51, E93 Hair: E30, E31, E33, E35, E37, E29 Pants: BG10, BG70, BG73, BG75, BG77, W5 T-Shirt and Socks: R...
Teen Fairy Mia - Mo Manning
Passionate Paper Creations
Saturated Canary - Waiting For Spring
Lasata's Crafty Hideout: Saturated Canary - Waiting For Spring ~Copics to colour the image: SKIN E33, E11, E21, E00 LIGHT PINK RV0000, RV000, RV00 DARK PINK R85, R83, R81 VASE & FLOWER BG000, BG10, E53, E51, YG09, G07 .