Life : things to help

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Do Less, Relax More: Legs-up-the-Wall Pose
Viparita Karani yoga pose - Legs up the wall - Encourages circulation of blood and lymph from the feet and legs. Bathes the abdomen in fresh blood, stimulating the digestive organs. Soothes the nervous system, allowing your body to shift its attention from warding off stress to daily bodily functions, including detox. Note the pillow/bolster she is using.
19 Inspirational Quotes With Great Messages | The Funny Beaver
19 Inspirational Quotes with Great Messages #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #wisdom #greatquotes
Inner Activism for When Marches Aren’t Your Thing ⋆ Earth and Water
Compliment yourself Eat something healthy Go for a walk Exercise Stretch Take a nap Sit and rest Meditate Drink some water Have some herbal tea Put on some lotion Wash your face Take a shower Get a haircut Get a massage Get a pedicure Get a Manicure Have a full blown spa day Go to bed early Breathe Say no to distasteful things Buy yourself a treat Detox your self care products Detox your environment Clean your living space Have fun Take an herbal detox bath
150+ Things To Throw Away Today (To Clear Your Mind And Soul)
Tidy home, tidy mind. Clean house, clean head. You have probably heard variations of these sayings before. But you may have never fully realized what decluttering the house can really do for your mind. Throwing away old things is a powerful way to give your mind clarity, focus, peace and balance. Without even noticing it [...] domain name could be available for sale. prokopton
from @dailystoic - Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what's left and live it properly. - Marcus Aurelius
40 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes for Blog and Biz Owners — Zoe Linda
40 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes for Blog and Business Owners | Love…